Friday, June 27, 2014

An old diet offers a new way to look at healthy eating

A traditional macrobiotic diet consisted of eating only whole grains, cereals and vegetables. Because this way of eating was considered very extreme, the macrobiotic diet really never caught on mainstream. However, many are adopting a new way to utilize the teachings of macrobiotics. This new macrobiotic diet promotes the eating of whole foods vs. processed along with many of the old lifestyle teachings.

The basic macrobiotic diet consists of a simple eating plan including fresh locally grown foods, certain ways of cooking these foods and some elements of Buddhism. Using a macrobiotic diet you will eliminate dairy, fatty meats and processed foods because of their toxic effects on the body. Whole grains will take up about half of your diet while the other half will be vegetables, soups and some fruits. You will need to be aware of what foods are ok and which are restricted if following a true macrobiotic diet. Along with your whole grains and vegetables the macrobiotic diet food list allows for a limited amount of nuts, seeds, fish, and some other miscellaneous food items.

A life style change is also in order to practice true macrobiotic teachings. Meditation, slowing down and even the way you chew your food will need to change. You will chew each bit of food more thoroughly and meditate often. Prepare meals in a peaceful environment and cook using items made from glass or wood instead of Teflon. Boil or steam rather than use the microwave.

While there are many pros to using a macrobiotic diet, there are also draw backs. Some are concerned with the deficiency of some vitamins and lack of protein. Some people with certain conditions may not want to eliminate dairy and eggs from their diets. Many will agree the good aspects of a macrobiotic diet outweigh the bad. A healthy diet such as this has much more benefit than down side.

If you are making sure to get adequate nutrition, a macrobiotic diet might be the healthy choice you’re looking for. If you are serious about trying macrobiotics, its best to speak to a doctor or registered dietitian to be sure your dietary needs are being met.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Is it really more expensive to eat Healthy?

healthy foods
We all know that many of the most tasty foods are also the ones that are not so healthy for us. Many of these foods are packed with preservatives, sodium and other less healthy items to make them taste better and to last longer. The alternative is to buy fresh foods that are not packed with additives. However, many are saying it’s much more expensive to buy these fresh foods. In my opinion its all how you look at it. Yes, many of the fresh items can be more expensive than their unhealthy counter parts. Here are some other ways to look at it.


Eat Healthy Now To Save Money Later

Eating healthy now can prevent future health problems. It may be a few dollars more to stick to fresh and healthy, but eating a lifetime of unhealthy could rack up with future doctors visit expenses. Even going to the doctor for small issues can cost hundreds of dollars. Preventing diseases starts with your diet and developing long term health problems from an unhealthy diet could break the bank. Not to mention cost you more in health insurance for years to come.

Healthy Eating with Less Quantity

Many healthy eaters choose to eat less portions because they are also trying to stay at healthy weights. Compare purchasing a variety of fresh fruits and nuts to buying packages of cookies and sweets. You will most likely find the healthy alternative to be less expensive. You are also less likely to return to the kitchen for more when eating the healthy items verses the unhealthy. You will actually buy less of the healthy items in the long term.

How to Know Which Foods to Eat

Being educated on what foods are healthy and what to look for when choosing foods is the first step. Many times brands will provide false information by claiming to be healthy when they really are not. One of the best ways to start a healthy diet is to follow a standardized eating plan. They are a variety of healthy eating plans that may work, you just need to make sure you like and will eat the foods allowed. Many of these diets advertise as weight loss diets, but they are also great for general healthy eating plans. One diet we’ve found to be a healthy eating plan, that could be used by mostly anyone is the Dash Diet. This diet promotes fresh food consumption that is low in sodium. It’s meant for people with high blood pressure to reduce their sodium intake, but is an overall healthy diet. There are many ways to cook using the Dash Diet and a simple online search will provide tons of Dash diet recipes and meal choices. Its always best to explore the eating plan first and make sure you will like what is offered.


Yes, it may cost a little more money right now to eat a healthier diet. Your average grocery bill might be a few dollars extra when purchasing fresh meats and unprocessed meals. The long term amount of money in health related issues due to eating unhealthy is huge. For most it will be unaffordable. Eating healthy today will overwhelmingly save you and your family money in the future.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Salsa - A Healthy Snack You Can Make Yourself

Finding healthy creative meals and snacks can be difficult. One trip to your local grocery store and you’ll quickly see that most snack items on the shelf are high in calories and overall very unhealthy. When trying to eat healthy you will notice that your grocery bill also goes up, as generally it is more expensive to buy healthy fresh foods. However there is one type of food you can make that offers a healthy snack or addition to a variety of meals. Salsa is a term that stands for sauce in Spanish. Adding salsa to meals can add zip, heat or even just a hint of whatever tastes your looking for.

Salsa is easy to make, includes mostly fresh ingredients and can be customized to any taste.  Salsa can be used as a dipping sauce with chips or you can add it to any of your favorite Mexican style meals. Best of all, it can be very inexpensive to make. Peppers are usually cheap and a hand-full of tomatoes can go along way. Using canned Rotel or other tomatoes and chilies are very inexpensive and can add a lot of taste. All you’ll really need is a blender or food processor and your ingredients. You can also find a salsa recipe you like and tweak it to fit your tastes. There is no wrong way to make salsa.

Salsa comes in a variety of types including; Roja, verde, taquera, guacamole, and pico de gallo.  Finding the right salsa recipe and using the right peppers is what its all about. If you like hot salsa, then choose peppers that are high on the scoville scale. If you like your salsa mild, use peppers with low scoville heat unit numbers.  You could also opt for a different kind of salsa like fruity or a southwest black bean.

Experiment with your salsa. Add what you like and make it several times until you find the right mix.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

10 Potassium Rich Foods

When we’re feeling sluggish or just need some energy most of us turn to coffee or some kind of energy drink. The health conscious energy seeker will skip past these drinks and instead reach for a banana. Bananas are a great source of potassium, about 420 milligrams in a medium size banana.

So why do we need potassium?

Our bodies need potassium to maintain normal blood pressure. A normal healthy balance of sodium and potassium are what regulate blood pressure. Too much sodium and too little potassium, results in hypertension. Prolonged hypertension or high blood pressure may result in other health related problems in the future.

I don’t like bananas, do other foods have potassium?

Don’t worry, there are many other foods that contain potassium and in some cases contain much more potassium than bananas. Potassium can be found in many vegetables and fruits. Here is a quick list of just ten healthy food items that contain high amounts of potassium.

1. Potatoes
2. Beans
3. Squash
4. Dates
5. Yogurt
6. Avocado
7. Tomato Sauce
8. Fish
9. Cantaloupe
10. Raisins

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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Coffee and Health

Is Drinking Coffee Good or Bad For Our Overall Health?

We never hear much about coffee being either good or bad for us. We know caffeine is not considered very healthy, especially since it’s usually associated with high calorie soda or other unhealthy products. Studies have shown that coffee actually can help prevent some diseases and it is relatively low in calories compared to other caffeinated drinks. 1 8oz cup of coffee has about 5 calories before you add sugar, sweetener and creamer. These additives are what make coffee unhealthy and calorie heavy. Drinking 3 cups of black coffee per day may lower your risk of Hearth Disease, Stroke, Type 2 Diabetes and even liver cancer.

How does coffee help prevent such diseases?

Coffee is high in antioxidants and minerals like magnesium and chromium. These minerals help the body use insulin, which is what controls blood sugar. With Type 2 Diabetes your body no longer uses insulin to properly control blood sugar.  Type 2 Diabetes is also linked to heart disease and a number of other health related issues.

What about Caffeine?

We always associate caffeine as being unhealthy, but that’s because of some of the popular sodas and other unhealthy drinks that contain caffeine. Some health professionals are saying the caffeine that is consumed from drinking coffee, could have a positive effect on brain health.

These findings don’t promote drinking coffee in excess and certainly adding sugar, creamer and other calorie heavy items to the coffee over weigh the good aspects. Choosing to drink black coffee over soda and other unhealthy drinks is defiantly a step in the right direction.